

Dohhh... just played a game of warcraft against a map hacker.... my god... I feel disgusted with these ppl, that they have to hack to get a win.... -_-;;

anywayz, not much done today, didn't go to all my classes. cuz i didnt feel like it.... so ha...

tomorrow gonna start mad studying for my micro test on Wed and also doing some hw. I have to work on the postlab on my own since my partner screwd up during the regular lab time.

oh yeah, Monday Night Football at Ming's. Packers kicked Dolphins' ass.... 24-10 hahaha.... U've been "Favred"! :D damn that guy is friggin good...

eh... this thread is going backward in terms of timeline... before watching football, me, Dave, Willy and Shawn (shao shawn je), we went to Buffalo Blues for a good dinner. We got ourselves ribs and wings. Not a bad treat on Monday night eh?.... for some reason I'm still kinda hungry afterward... hehe...

Hope you have a good day ppl~ :D

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