


whew, what a busy week... look at how many days I miss on blogging!!

well well, I finally bought my computer, after spending more than half the semester shopping around. Thanks buddy :P

A surprise couple days ago, I was talking to Chelsea, a long time online friend whom I've lost contact for quite some time. If you're reading my blog (which I'm sure you will, cuz I'm cool like that... lol..), I wanna say that I'm really happy to chat with you online again. I hope you enjoy your college life in Purdue.

and Thanks for M&M for letting me and Dave crash at your place so many times this week. I'm sure me and Dave both enjoy our time either relaxing or working (at least making attempts) there. :D You guys offered a lot of hospitality... and Martha, you kicked so much ass playing night elf....^^;;

well I'm back in Baker again. Pretty soon I'll have my own computer and I won't be here much... so Al, I will no longer be baker6boi pretty soon... =)

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