

Handed in 202 hw this morning.... Pulled all nighter to finish it... but hell ya, I feel the satisfaction of finishing it...

Dave move his stuff in... some will be left in Ming's... Dunno when we'll have the 1 bedroom down there...

Dunno what to do this weekend... if nothing special might go do some review for test and hw...

I'm in Ming's place writing this blog... I get the feeling that I shouldn't come over again...

Taking off now... I guess I belong in my own place or the clusters... later ppl


bleh... flunk 2 of my tests today... plus lab... im super exhausted...


Jean told me about this sketch game... http://www.isketch.net/
now I'm friggin addicted!... lol

and weekend is coming... Coming!! :D


Big thnx to willy... for burning me lots of new Chinese songs mp3s... I'm listening to them as of right now while reviewing... hmm... Jay singing Taiwanese... :P

got 2 tests today... wish me luck =)

I stayed in Ming's to watch Windtalker last nite, and enjoyed some good old HK cheese from John Woo... lol... Nicholas Cage has become the western Chow Yun-FATTT hahaa.... good stuff!

well, came back around 3:30am which meant slept around 4am. 9:30am 202 class this morning, oh boy, did I sleep like a baby in the second half of the class... thank goodness Hoburg was talking about some easy matrix stuff. -__-;;;

then I came back home, sleep some more... still 5pm... and forgot to ask the landlady about the apt (sorry Dave)... and guess what... I'm here again.... yes, BH... lol...
gotta review for 2 tests tomorrow, then go to SI session from 7-8pm picking up some useful info about the test problems.

yet another day has passed....


Argg... I did it again!.. I can't believe I mix up the test date once again. I woke my ass up at 6am trying to study for 2 tests. End up both tests are on Wed and matrix has a homework due today.... errr....

bleh, I asked the landlady again about the apartment, she said her boss will drop by tomorrow and she'll ask him about it. eh, hope for the best I guess.

Man, I'm so out of shape. Only 2 sets of 40 sit-ups and 20 push-ups are making me sore and tired.... I'm studying in BH... again... but falling asleep...*.*



The little one, standing at the end of the line, waiting for getting a cone of ice cream. Searching his pocket, no allowance this week, maybe just use the marbles that he won from other kids to trade one.

"Sorry" she said. "No more extra left this week. How about a free sugar cone for ya? and you can keep those marbles" she smiled. "Better luck next time."

The ice cream lady gave him a brownish sugar cone and tried to cheer the little one up. He smiled, put all the marbles back to his pocket. Quickly, he sat down next to a little bush, away from all the other kids who were enjoying their ice cream. Before he took a bite on his own cone, he stared at the only kid with 2 scoops of ice cream. Afraid being seen staring at the 2-scoop girl, he ran behind the bush and watched. 2 scoops, chocolate chips on top of cookie dough. Hmm... yummy, he thought.

The 2-scoop girl started licking the top scoop. Slowly, expressing joyful smile and satisfaction, didn't even notice the ice cream was dripping onto the dirt. He closed his eyes. Picture those 2 scoops were on top his empty cone, and started licking it. Somehow, he did not taste the sweetness of the cookie dough, neither the crunchiness of the chocolate chips. Instead, he tasted something salty. He opened his eyes. He saw his own tears slowly darken the color of the cone. He wiped his tears off, quickly finished the cone and smiled at the lady when he walked toward home. Maybe next time. Next time. Maybe.


Last night was so much fun... read the detail on Chpstcks blog... :)

I saw Martha's starting a fiction writing... I wanna write some too :P


Here is an interesting pic that my friend send me...

Oh yeah, the whole thing is in Chinese.... so if you can't read it... too bad!! :P