

Need to get rid of stuff before going back to Taiwan.

PS2 games, PC games, PC (probably too heavy for most of you, or parts if you want to bother disassemble it), printer, some textbooks, a basketball, old computer parts, old stereo (Panasonic mini system).

I guess this is mostly to ppl at local places, but in any case, if you want anything, take it.

See you in E3... if not, have a good summer :D



Mixed feeling these days...

Sad news. My cousin was killed in an accident. I miss him already.
My poor aunt, lost her husband 24 yrs ago, now she lost her only son.

Happy news. I graduated. Finally.

Busy news. Cousin John left us a bunch of stuff to take care of, the house, his car, and his other loans/properties.

Depressed. I felt that many of John's friend and his gf seems to want something from him. even his step brother comes to take a lot of his stuff. They said they're here to help my aunt clear out his belongings. What I'm wondering is, she needs more help to pay off a lot of the expenses to resolve the whole financial mess that John left us. (some loans and others) and no one is there to help her w/ that.

I felt like watching vultures coming to pick off anything that is left of my cousin. *sigh.

i miss my dog Bear. he was John's dog. a very happy, cute, and horny dog. i miss him.

Looking forward to see some of you at E3. Too bad Dave and Ben cannot make it. Looking forward to see parents. I finally finish schooling and i get to live close to them again. A little too late for mom, i guess all i can do is to keep dad company. he is getting older every day. i'm still worried about his health. it was poor the last 50 yrs.